
5 Facts That Nobody Told You About Kevlar Gloves

Publish Time: 2020-12-10     Origin: Site

As we all know, Kevlar Gloves play an important role in Personal Protective Equipment(PPE). It is designed for those who work under extreme conditions to protect them from hazards. These hazards are the potential threats from the work environment, such as heat, fire, sharp tools, or the machines they work on. Here are some frequently asked questions to help you get a thorough understanding of Kevlar gloves.

Various Heat Resistant Kevlar Gloves

Q1: What are the features of Kevlar gloves?

Thanks to the excellent properties of Kevlar fiber, these gloves have better performance than regular gloves.

1) Heat Resistant - Kevlar gloves can withstand high temperatures up to 500℃. It is ideal for handling hot objects in industrial applications and daily uses, such as aluminum extrusion, ceramics, sheet steel, casting, welding, kitchen, bakeries, and so on.

2) Flame Retardant - Kevlar is a new-technology material with a Limiting Oxygen Index greater than 28. So kevlar gloves are only anti flaming but not combustible. And no melt droplets and toxic gases in contact with fire. 

3) Cut Protection - Gloves made of Kevlar are highly resistant to abrasion, cut, tear, and puncture. In addition, Kevlar gloves can reach cut level 5 protection. This means it can protect against extreme cut hazards like metal stamping, glasswork, etc.

Q2: How many types of Kevlar gloves are available?

Kevlar gloves: Gloves feature a covering for each finger, which is more flexible for the wearers. If the task requires a high degree of hand mobility, gloves are generally considered better than mitts.

Kevlar mitts: Mitts usually look like a pocket covering the entire hand, and the individual thumb cover may or may not be there. As a result, it offers more excellent protection than gloves and is easy to put on or take off. The only drawback is the lack of flexibility. 

Kevlar gauntlets: It can be seen as Kevlar gloves/mitts with an extended cuff, which provides extra protection to the wrist. Also, gauntlets with longer cuff length are available to protect the forearm. Combine this feature with the seamless structure of gloves/mitts, which can achieve excellent protection.

Q3: Are Kevlar gloves washable?

Absolutely. Kevlar is different from other ordinary knitting materials. It can withstand hot water, any detergent or soap without shrinking and deforming. Likewise, you can put it in the dryer, and it won’t suffer any damage.

By the way, Kevlar gloves are machine washable, as they are tough and easy to clean.  However, if you want to keep your gloves in good condition, you can wash them by hand. Of course, this is not a must since it takes more time. 

Q4: How comfortable are the Kevlar gloves?

The outer layer of the glove is Kevlar, which prevents discomfort due to heat. And the inner layer is the soft flame-retardant lining for overall protection. Dual protection is not only highly secure but also comfortable and great air-permeability. As for sizes, most Kevlar gloves are one size fits all. It can easy to adapt to hands and control with ease. The most important is that it can help to reduce the buying costs greatly.

Q5: Where to buy?

For this question, I recommend Calm-brand Kevlar gloves. High-quality Kevlar fiber and advanced production technology make the gloves more durable and cost-effective. Calm is a professional supplier of heat resistant felts with over 18 years of experience. If you would like more information about gloves or have other needs, please feel free to contact us directly at toby@gdcalm.com. We will get back to you as soon as possible!

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